Seppala Siberian Sleddog Project DocumentsInformation in depth about the Seppala Siberian Sleddog...
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The Seppala Siberian Sleddog Breed Standard (1995) - This is the guiding breed standard for breeders of Seppala Sleddogs. It is similar to the breed standards for other purebred dogs although its emphasis in very different, since it places performance ahead of appearance in importance. standard.htm
The Issue of Distinguishability - This essay, originally written for the information of Agriculture Canada, deals with the question of whether and in what ways Seppala Siberian Sleddogs may be truly distinguished from Siberian Huskies. disting.htm
The Markovo Rescue Effort - Tells the story of how the Leonhard Seppala Strain of Siberian sleddogs was rescued from impending extinction in the early 1970s. The Markovo rescue produced most of the ancestors of todays Seppala Siberian Sleddogs. mkvresc.htm
The Seppala Siberian Sleddog: An Appreciation - This little essay by Isa Boucher tells what it's like to live and work with a kennel of Seppala Siberian Sleddogs. sssdappr.htm
The Seppala Siberian Sleddog and You - This pamphlet is a detailed inquiry that deals forthrightly with all the really tough questions that might be asked by an experienced breeder of Siberian Huskies about the Seppala Siberian Sleddog project. sssdnyou.htm
What is the Seppala Siberian Sleddog? - This is an entry-level description of the Seppala Siberian Sleddog breed for those with limited sleddog experience. It also contains a good capsule summary of what is needed to get a good start in recreational dogsledding. whatsssd.htm
Purebred Dog Breeds Into the Twenty-First Century: Achieving Genetic Health for Our Dogs - The 35-page blockbuster analysis of the modern purebred dog breeding system! This much-discussed brief, submitted to CKC in May 1996 and republished many times worldwide, tells how the current dogbreeding and registry system gives rise to a steady increase in genetic defects, explains the basics of population genetics and explores how the purebred fancy might find its way out of the woods and restore genetic health to purebred dog breeds. pbdb21c.htm
The Traits That Matter - An article that explores the twenty most necessary sleddog traits in a serious breeding and selection programme. These universal sleddog traits are equally significant for recreational dogsledding and dogsled racing. traitstm.htm
What Was MARKOVO All About? - A ten-page in-depth appraisal of the breed philosophy of the Markovo programme of the 1970s. This historic 1994 essay reveals the reasoning behind the standards that distinguished Seppalas from mainstream Siberian Huskies, decades before that distinction gave rise to the Seppala Siberian Sleddog evolving breed project. First published in the premier issue of "Seppala Network", this essay gives a new perspective on the relationships among four northern sleddog breeds. whatmkvo.htm
Membership of Seppala Strain: Pedigree Parameters - Published first as an appendix in the brief to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, The Seppala Siberian Sleddog -- An Evolving Breed in Canada's Yukon Territory, this article sets forth exactly how pure Seppala Strain is defined and distinguished from other bloodlines for purposes of the SSSD Project. It tells how to distinguish Markovo Seppalas from part-Seppalas and 'percentage Seppalas.' seppstr.htm
The Seppala Siberian Sleddog Manifesto - This post-Seeley Lake document explains the guiding principles of the Seppala Siberian Sleddog Project and its unique approach to sleddog ethics and values. manifesto.htm
The Percentage Problem: What's Left of the Original Seppalas? - This recent essay takes a hard look at the problem posed by the low numbers of Markovo Seppalas and the much larger encroaching population of part-Seppala racing Siberians and 'percentage Seppalas.' It offers a solution in which there's a place for every dog, and a way of reconciling divisions created by the Seeley Lake initiative. pctprob.htm
All documents except pbdb21c.htm Copyright ©2003 J. Jeffrey Bragg. All rights reserved. Single hard copies may be made for personal educational purposes only. All other reproduction and uses prohibited without written permission from the author.
For those who have entry-level questions about Seppala Siberian
Sleddogs, click here to read our pamphlet
those with advanced level questions, especially if those
questions concern the relationship of this breed with the
CKC/AKC Siberian Husky, click here to read our pamphlet
who would like to know more about the unique philosophy of
dog-breeding that gave rise to the evolving Seppala Siberian
Sleddog breed should read our widely-reprinted
and much-discussed brief,
for background.